
Toontown infinite github
Toontown infinite github

toontown infinite github

~achievements remove Remove achievements.Helping Kids Manage Anxiety Around the Coronavirus ~suit do Spawn Field Office with diffuclty. ~track experience Set your own gag track experience to any gag track. ~track add Add a gag track of your choice. ~track remove Remove a gag track of your choice. ~trackBonus Modify the invoker's track bonus level. ~givePies Give the target (numPies) of (pieType) pies. ~trophyScore Modifies the target's trophy score. ~dna bottexcolorĜhange toons shorts/skirt color. ~dna sleevetexcolorĜhange toons sleeve color. ~dna toptexcolorĜhange toons shirt color. ~cogIndex Modifies the invoker's Cog index. ~tickets Set the target's racing tickets value. Anyone with an access level below the invoker will not be able to see him or her. ~ghost Toggles invisibility on the invoker. If an access level is provided, however, the target's GM icon will be overridden.

toontown infinite github toontown infinite github

~ban Ban the target from the game server. ~kick Kick the target from the game server. ~maxFishTank Modify the target's max fish tank value. ~fishingRod Modify the target's fishing rod value. ~bank transfer Transfer amount of jellybeans from bank to jar. ~money Modifies the target's current money value. ~maxMoney Modifies the target's max money value. ~fires Modifies the invoker's pink slip count. ~sos Modifies the invoker's specified SOS card count. ~unlocks Unlocks the invoker's teleport access, emotions, and pet trick phrases. ~maxToon Max the invoker's stats for end-level gameplay. ~cheesyEffect Modify the target's cheesy effect. ~globalTeleport Activates the global teleport cheat. ~skipVP Skips to the final round of the VP. ~skipCFO Skips to the final round of the CFO. ~minigame safezone Requests minigame safezone(?)(idfk) ~minigame diffuclty Request minigame diffuclty(?)(idfk) ~minigame remove Removes minigame request.

toontown infinite github

~minigame force Forces a request for a trolley game. ~minigame request Requests a trolley game. ~spooky Activates the 'spooky' effect on the current area. ~factoryWarp Warp to a specific factory zone. ~quest tier Sets the reward to a toontask(?)(idfk) ~quest progress Sets your Toontask progress to wherever you want(?)(idfk) ~quest lists Lists your Toontasks(?)(idfk) ~quests clearHistoryĜlears Toontask History ~fish Register/unregister the fish to be caught on the target. Specify no arguments for the default background color. ~backgroundColor set the background color. ~neglect toggle the neglection of network updates on the invoker's client. ~explorer Toggle the scene graph explorer. ~nameNametags Display only avatar names inside nametags. ~idNametags Display avatar IDs inside nametags. ~oobeCull Toggle the 'out of body experience' view with culling debugging. ~oobe Toggle the 'out of body experience' view ~hpr Modifies the rotation of the invoker. ~xyz Modifies the position of the invoker. ~accessLevel Modify the target's access level. ~system Broadcasts a message to the server. ~leftHand parents the optional to the target's left hand node. ~rightHand parents the optional to the target's right hand node. ~pingpong animate the target by bouncing back and forth between the start and end, or the optional frames, and of animation on the entire actor, or optional of the actor. ~pose freeze the target on frame of animation on the entire actor, or optional of the actor. ~loop animate the target using animation on the entire actor. ~warp warp the target to the invoker's current position, and rotation. ~target Returns the current Spellbook target. If you're having trouble using any of these message me on Skype:legendsaab To set these commands on other people all you gotta do is add an ~ at the beginning for example: ~~name Toon or ~~maxHp 137.

#Toontown infinite github code#

RAW Paste Data Copied If you are ever hosting your own Toontown Server using TTI source code and don't have the commands here they are.

Toontown infinite github